
From Usenet Big-8 Management Board

Present: TM, RL

  • Administration
  • Infrastructure
    • mail.big-8.org status checks e-mails
      • TM added RL to the recipient list for these automated e-mails
      • The latest e-mail contained only error messages, perhaps due to some misconfiguration with our Mail-in-a-Box installation. The status checks were still visible via the Mail-in-a-Box web interface, and indicated that a reboot was necessary. TM rebooted the server but this caused the web interface to go down (even though the service itself was running). RL to investigate further, and also to upgrade Mail-in-a-Box if possible/advisable.
    • GoDaddy
      • TM and RL were unable to log into GoDaddy earlier this week, as they received an endless cycle of confirmation code challenges
      • RL reported that the problem seems to have resolved by itself and he has now added his own payment details
  • (Web)STUMP
    • RL has commited fixes for Bug 61983. TM to review.
    • RL has reviewed Bug 59261, concurs with TM's assessment that the logic in the script is erroneous, and moreover believes that the entire script is useless (at least nowadays). RL to remove the script altogether.
  • Publicity
    • LibrePlanet 2023 call for sessions
      • TM suggested that the Board could present the talk by JE and RL that was rejected two years ago, and then not submitted at all last year (due to lack of time). RL to ask JE if he is still interested in presenting, or if not, if we can have his slides so that RL can present (alone or together with TM).